LARS notes (Part1) (To page9,2 end)


Useful and less greedy version of traditional forward selection methods.

Main property:

LARS relates: classic model-selection method known as "forward selection" or "forward stepwise regression."

Model construction:

Predict response from covariates .

By location and scale transformations we always assume that the covariates have been standardized to have mean 0 and unit length, and that the response has mean 0.

Regression coefficients : gives prediction vector

Total squared error

norm for lasso


Quadratic programming techniques can be used to solve (5).though we will present an easier method here, closely related to the “homotopy method” of Osborne, Presnell and Turlach (2000a)."


Forward Stagewise Linear Regression.



The main point:

LARS is a stylized version of the stagewise procedure that uses a simple mathematical formula to accelerate the computations.


以下是重复论文的无聊描述,参考价值有限,但是因为内容已经高度概括化所以不方便删除,以下是用中文复述一遍主要思想。下午浪费半天一个原因就是因为没注意仔细 是y在上的投影,也就是说,如果我们只考虑 ,那么 就是目标的response. (而且在第一遍看的时候当初理解了这个事实!但是忘了orz)。

是目标response, 此时, 的correlation比 大,于是 更新,然后呢,此时的residual 继续对 找correlation. 慢慢找,直到如上图那个点,这时,correlation相等了,那么就停在这里,进行方向切换。而新的方向则是 的角平分线方向。而LARS的计算过程可以通过一步直接跳到这个需要换方向的点,可以极大的降低计算消耗。(是否能跳过去这里存疑)

Each step adding one covariate to the model, after k steps just k of the 's are non-zero. The figure2 showed the m=2 covariates, . In this case the current correlation depend only on the projection of into the linear space spanned by and .


Then, choose as the direction.

We assume that the covariate vector are linearly independent.

For a subset of the indices , define the matix

when the signs equal . Let

being a vector of 1's of length equaling the size of . The

is the unit vector making equal angles, less than , with the column of ,

We saw the previous part in a negative direction. First, we look the final part (12), which should be satisfied as the equal angular .

We need find a vector satisfied , now note that . That is , we have in the left hand side. so have a candidate , then what we need to do is just standardize it.

This is how the equal-angular vector is constructed.


So the problem becomes to a nother one, why the form of vector making equal angles?

That is, what is this formula mean?

Equal angular is equals to which angular????

That is, the between any subset and = . In this case,

is the vector about , then if the angular is equal, cos also should equal. However, projection to the direction in , then right hand side is the length of projection times 1. ( is a value rather a matrix.)


The describtion upon is so confusing!!!! need more clear idea about it!!!!

Then is the "fullly" describe about the LARS.


Then the next step of the LARS algorithm updates , say to


Emmmm,是不是可以这么解释,因为开始转向的时候,所以此时往的方向走并不会影响 但是会影响。 所以等走走走, 又会减小减小。好像不太对,residual的变化。。。。如果按figure2的话,residual对 的角度一直在增大,角度增大导致correlation会减小,因为 在增大, 方向的解释越来越多,而同时,对 的角度一直在减小,也就是cos在增大,correlation在增大,一减一增两个过程直到这两个correlation相等


然后回到这个过程,也就是在找了一段时间之后,有记录: 。注意correlation的定义式: 是此时的模型的已建模部分 的residual关于 X的 correlation。

按角平分线的思路,这时候在第 维的变化是主要的,维上应该都是角平分线所以是一致的?

但是 这样定义感觉很奇怪啊。 里面只包含了correlation是最大的那几个,也就是说一直走一直走,走到有新的correlation能加进来,那再改变方向,重新计算,否则就一直按这个方向走。比如说回到figure2的图例,在一开始,最大的correlation只有这个方向,走一小步, 方向的correlation还是小于 ,所以还是只有{1}。直到residual 的correlation到 一致,那么就有了两个同时达到max的correlation,那就得重新计算 .



for , so that the current correlation

for , around the equation (20), the definition of correlation, max correlation, direction , yield

也就是当前的j的correlation,是最大correlation减去步长乘以和投影向量的长度有关的一个玩意()。注意,这里 。也就和之前描述的,因为走的是角平分线,所以这帮已经active的variable同进退。


For , the two formula upon shows that equals the maximal value at . Likewise , the current correlation for the reversed covariate , achieves maximality at .

Therefore in (24), is the smallest positive value of such that some new index joins the active set; is the smallest positive value of such that some new index joins the active set; is the minimizing index in (24) , the foot length of every j in . the new active set is , the new maximum absolute correlation is .

The figure 10 shows the LARS in diabetes data. 10 iterations for procedure from start to end. The join order or LARS is same as Lasso. However, tracks of are nearly but not exactly as either the LASSO or Stagewise tracks.


The right panel shows the absolute current correlation goes done with the LARS step k.

Declines with k.


Relation between LARS and OLS.

Suppose LARS has just completed step k-1, giving and is embarking upon step k.The active set will have k members, giving and . Similarly, let indicate the projection of y into , which, since , is


Since is a unit vector, (29) ,则有 有长度

和update的那个公式进行比较,则LARS的估计 的延长线上.

可以发现一个问题, 总是比 小,所以 LARS estimates always approaching but never reaching the OLS estimates .





